Transworld: The Reason (45mins)
I've had this video for a while. When I first watched it, I couldn't believe my eyes. The skating, editing, and music all blended together beautifully. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING, was on beat. Every trick was landed on beat to the music. This video is what inspired me to edit video the way i do.
The video starts off with an awsome intro-montage to the music of Coldcut. Gershon Mosley starts it off with the first part. His music is hard hitting just like his skating. He does big stuff skating switch. His part was good, but the video gets much better as it continues onward. Cairo Foster follows with his incredible part with alot of switch hardflips. The video takes a short break filled with some comic relief followed by a16mm montage. This guy gets the biggest air off of a bank i have ever seen. He goes off frame. Anyways, Danny Montoya's part was extremely teched out. Lots of long lines finally ending with a nollie halfcab to frontside 5-0 down a handrail. After this, Danny Gonzales. He does some unusual stuff (ex: switch 3 flip foot plant on tree, 180 one wheelie manual, Sex change one footed manual, and sex change nose manual) Another montage follows with commercial clips showing the popularity skateboarding has gained. Moses Itkonen (with appearences by Paul Machnau, Colin McKay, and Rick McCrank) is just sick. This guy tears up the Canada parks and streets. After that is the nastiest injury section. Neal Mims had a real nasty one. All i can say if this doesn't make you squirm, you must be dead. Next up is Stevie Williams with his magical LOVE park part. He just flat out kills it. Matt Mumford finishes off the video with his all black and white part. Quite Scary. He kills handrails and big gaps. His last trick, Smith grind the el toro rail, first try as rumors have it. The end section is my favorite part of the whole video. It features all the funny stuff. So all in all this video is one of the best. It defines how skateboard videos will be made from here on out. It's well worth the money and a very good one to watch before hitting up a session.